Saving You Time & Money


Owning a pool should be enjoyable, not a maintenance burden. Gary Pools minimizes maintenance through advanced technology and construction methods. Our Maintenance-Free Pool package ensures low upkeep, saving you nearly $50 a month compared to other options.

Automatic Pool Cleaner

Polaris Freedom Cordless Electric

No low maintenance pool would be complete without an automatic pool cleaner. This is the simplest and most effective way to save your time. We commonly use a Polaris FREEDOM™ Cordless Robotic Cleaner.

Automatic Pool Cleaner

Oversized Filter

Large pool filter

If you double the size of your filter you effectively double the time between cleanings. A Gary Pools filter can make sure your pool stays clean and clear of debris.

Oversized Skimmers

A comparison showing the large pool skimmer on the left and a stack of 4 pool skimmer baskets on the right. The large pool skimmer is slightly larger than the 4 stacked ones.

Your skimmers collect larger debris, and if the collection bag is small it must be emptied frequently. As a result, our skimmer is 4x larger than the industry standard. In fact, we couldn’t find a skimmer off the shelf large enough so we custom manufactured ours. This feature reduces your skimmer maintenance from weekly to monthly in normal conditions.

Salt Chlorination

AquaRite 100

One of the biggest maintenance challenges is chemistry and specifically disinfectant, most commonly chlorine. As a result, for a trouble-free pool we recommend salt. Other methods of disinfecting a pool with chlorine require weekly or at least monthly maintenance, that includes physically buying and adding more chemicals. Alternatively a salt system can easily go a year without needing more salt and months between visual inspections.

MultiCyclone Filter

MultiCyclone Filter

The MultiCyclone filter is a low-maintenance solution for your pool. It pre-filters up to 80% of incoming dirt, easing the workload of your pool filter while maintaining a consistent flow rate. This not only improves water circulation but also reduces the need for frequent filter maintenance, saving both time and water.

Eco/Flamed Finish

Flame Finished Pool

Our Flamed Finish helps your pool stay low maintenance by eliminating the need for brushing and offering exceptional resistance to cracks, chips, peeling, and chalk.

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